A warm welcome to the Website of ARCSN 

We are very happy to announce the formation and incorporation of the AMATEUR RADIO CIVIL SERVICES NETWORK (ARCSN).

As you will see from our mission statement, we are committed to promote every aspect of amateur radio and to work with any organization and individuals who are interested in promoting amateur radio.

ARCSN is affiliated with the Radio Society of Sri Lanka and works closely with the RSSL.  The ARCSN considers the Radio Society of Sri Lanka as its parent body and the national body representing the Amateur Service in Sri Lanka from its inception and as the sole representative of the International Amateur Radio Union.

The official call sign of the ARCSN is 4S7RCS.

Victor Goonetilleke – 4S7VK
Honorary Secretary, ARCSN

Mission Statement

The AMATEUR RADIO CIVIL SERVICES NETWORK (GUARANTEE) LIMITED (ARCSN) exists to provide Amateur Radio support to the emergency and public service community in Sri Lanka, through the advancement of the Amateur Radio service, the establishment and maintenance of Amateur Radio repeaters and other radio networks, and other activities when the use of Amateur Radio would benefit the community. This group of like minded radio amateurs have come together wishing to secure for ourselves the enjoyment and community benefit of an association of persons, commonly interested in Amateur Radio, for the purpose stated above, constitute ourselves the AMATEUR RADIO CIVIL SERVICES NETWORK (ARCSN) hereinafter referred to as “ARCSN,” of Sri Lanka and has been duly recognized by the TRCSL and issued with the call sign 4S7RCS.